Better or Worse?

For better or for worse, it's now done. The binding on the quilt that is.

And, probably for worse, it has already found a home atop our blanket box (hand knitted sweaters and cardigans actually). It will receive very late sunlight in summer - those last few rays before sunset - but since this box tends to be a dumping ground for clothes that we've worn but are not ready to put out to wash (like the cardigan that's only been worn for half an hour at the end of the day and you might need again before the week is over) it's debatable whether it will even see that much light.

I am disappointed that I didn't use a different fabric for the binding. This one is too coarse which is more obvious because it is straight grain rather than bias binding. The intention was to use bias binding but when making my continuous binding which I've made numerous times before, I paid scant attention to the instructions and ended up cutting with the grain rather than against. Since I'm not planning for the quit to get any more wear this may not be a problem but it's certainly taught me a lesson for the future!

 Still, it's now finished after a few hours sitting on our veranda watching The Most Adorable Granddaughters at play and it is nice to be able to see it in use again.
