Abbreviations and Terms

A friend posted a Kiwi/American dictionary on his blog a while ago so I'm not going to double up on what he's translated. I will say though that while he's got a lot of it right, there are a few misconceptions. "G'day" is a common phrase that means "hello" but it's origin is Australian, not Kiwi. Ditto for "Good on ya!"

Some other common words and phrases that might require translation:

Aussie = Australian

Dinner = a hot lunch as in Christmas dinner or Sunday dinner. However Thanksgiving Dinner (the same friend introduced us to an American Thanksgiving) is the evening meal.

Esky = chilly bin = picnic cooler

Fair dinkum = True, absolutely. If it's asked as a question as in Fair dinkum? it means Is that true? (I have a friend who says I say this a lot but I've never heard myself saying it yet).

Flat = dead as in My battery's flat or This torch [flashlight] is flat.

Fringe = bangs

Kiwi = New Zealander. Also the flightless bird that is native to New Zealand.

Nappy = diaper

Nurse = to hold a baby or child (not to feed as in the US)

Oz = Australia as in I come from the Land of Oz.

Smack = spank = now banned by law

Tap = faucet

Tea = a beverage or the evening meal

Tramping = hiking

Yeah, right! = I don't believe it or Not likely.

Washing = laundry. As in I have to do the washing, I've got so much washing, or why do five sons and one husband make so much washing?

Abbreviations that need an explanation so that my family stops asking me what they mean when they read my blog over my shoulder are:

DH = Dear husband (at least when I'm in a good mood with him)

DIL = Daughter-in-Law (DIL#1 is married to Son#1. She's also our first DIL but to make it easy to remember as DILs are added to our family they will be given a number to correspond with the son they are married to).

Son#1, #2, #3, #4, #5 = sons (obviously!). The numbers relate to birth order and have no other significance.

LOL = Laugh out Loud

BTW = By the way

MIL = Mother-in-law

FIL = Father-in-law

The Most Adorable Granddaughter in the World = I haven't come up with an acceptable abbreviation yet, but I'm sure there's no doubt as to who I'm talking about!

I'm sure I'll think of more over time so I'll keep updating this for future reference. Cheers!


SchnauzerMom said…
I've thought is was interesting that the English spoken in England, Australia and New Zealand is so different from the English in America. Thanks for the definitions.
Unknown said…
I have never heard the word Esky before. That is a new one for me :). That was interesting to see different Kiwi words!