
I don't expect miracles.

I don't even expect to be perfect.

But after half an hour's practice, surely I can expect to get one note in fifty sounding right?

I knew it was going to be hard work learning the flute. I thought I was prepared for that. But what I wasn't prepared for was the discouragement.

In a few moments I'll get it out again and frighten all the neighbourhood pets with my screeching.

And to think that I trembled at the thought of listening to Son#2 learning the violin! What he produces is nothing to what I can do!


BellaMama said…
Is that what I heard!! LOL I don't think I ever made a note come out of a flute!! I might have even come close to hyperventilating!

If that's what you would like to do, keep up the good work, one of these days it will be so easy, you'll look back and have a good laugh!!
SchnauzerMom said…
I have always wanted to learn an instrument, maybe someday.
Melissa G said…
Oh don't give up! It'll get easier!
I play the flute. When i haven't practiced for a while i really notice how my lips and fingers get tired fast.
It'll be worth all the hard work!