What Is 'My Voice'?

I was reading the other day that my voice is far more important than traffic to my blog (if you're interested you can read it here). It got me thinking as to what exactly is 'my voice'.

Some blogs tackle politics; or share homemaking secrets. Some are dedicated to crafts or cooking; while others encourage those that home school. Some call Christians to live lives that are pleasing to God; while others are not afraid to face the hard questions. Some give a glimpse into life in another culture; while others share stories of 'on the road'. Some are a way of keeping in touch with family and friends; while others appeal to a much larger readership. Whatever you can think to write about, it's out there waiting to be read.

What about my blog? What is its voice? What do others think of when they come to my blog? What are they expecting? Are they often disappointed?

And what is my blogging voice? Is it funny? Serious? Thoughtful and intelligent? Or just mundane?

You may think it doesn't matter. And it probably doesn't. But I'm hoping to have a website up and running soon to promote my book. I've been wondering if I want to link to my blog from that site. But the truth is my blog is rather ... ordinary. So ordinary in fact that I'm afraid it will hurt my 'image' as a writer.

And yet I'm an ordinary person. Just an ordinary person that an extra-ordinary God uses for His purposes. Perhaps that should be 'my voice'.


Elspeth said…
You know, Jules, I don't often give a lot of thought to my "voice" on my blog. My blog, as you know, hardly has a unifying theme. It's a potpourri of just about everything I think about: parenting, politics, newsmakers, you name it. Whatever I run into that peeks my interest. After reading this post, I wonder if that's a bad thing.

Your blog may be "ordinary", but it's a peaceful place, which is more than I can say about mine on many days, lol.
java girl said…
Isn't it funny how something like this can fluster us? It flustered me and did for a while and still does. I would have to say that I am working on finding my "voice" in blogland. If my voice counts as a fun encouraging pick me up of life, including coffee, a toddler and clothing (and someday a boaz and a house and a garden and more kids) than that my blog. I like to come to your blog to read what you have to say about well that thing called life. Because after all life is just ordianary when you start to think about it!

One of my favorite things about blogging is LEARNING from other Christian woman. We can learn about how to cook, clean, dress ect. Mainly from your blog and other lovely Christian ladies I'm learning what it means to walk in life seeing things with from a biblical point of view.
SchnauzerMom said…
Your blog is a lot more interesting and better written than mine. Mine is more like scribbling in a diary, not much meaning.
Unknown said…
I wonder that too about my blog. I figure I will just do the best I can to make my blog interesting, and try to be the best testimony I can be on my blog. I think you do a wonderful job with your blog. I think you write things that are interesting, funny, and thought provoking. You also talk about the Lord, which can be making a difference in someone elses life. Our blogs could be making an impact and we don't even know it :).
I think your 'voice' is fab! :)