And the Title of ...

... The World's Worst Gardeners goes to Jules and her DH! We've finally admitted it. We are not gardeners. Every year Spring manages to put on a brilliant performance without any help from us. In fact, I suspect we unknowingly sabotage her work at times.

I'm seriously considering not even planting a vegetable garden this year. In previous years we have managed to grow weeds just fine and the pests and bugs have had a lovely feed from our produce, but we really haven't received any benefits apart from a little bit of exercise outdoors. However, I know that Spring is very seductive and I wouldn't be at all surprised if we end up planting one after all.

This morning DH pruned my rose bushes (that is devotion). He also removed more than half a dozen rosemary bushes and trimmed several lavenders. Now my garden is looking very bare:

But there is hope:

Come Spring and who knows what beauty will be unveiled, no thanks to DH or I.


SchnauzerMom said…
You garden like I do. I stick stuff in the ground and hope for the best.
Linda said…
I think it is quite nice. Maybe one or two nandinas? They will add a red ball to the others.
Noel said…
I've just about come to the same conclusion about myself. I'm just not a dirt and sweat kind of person, besides, with the cost of all the materials, seeds, soil improvemnts; I think it would be more thrifty for us to buy from a local farmer's market at our convenience. Alas, I like looking at a garden :)
Shelby said…
You make the effort and nothing least you make the effort!