You Know

that you're a neglectful parent when you suddenly realise that your second youngest son has only 4 weeks left at school and you've not sat down with him yet and sorted out what he's doing next year!

I did manage to wrangle from him a few months ago that he was interested in a particular course but he felt that he couldn't pursue it ... because his older brother was doing it. It's taken since then for me - and his brother - to convince him that there's so many directions he could veer off into that it's not copycatting to start the same course.

That settled (finally) we then turned our thoughts toward accommodation. His first choice is all full up. Obviously other parents are not so neglectful and have got in on time to organise somewhere to stay for their precious darlings - unlike us.

So ... we'll just have to put our thinking caps on.

And pray.


Because neglectful as I am I don't want him sleeping under a bridge.


SchnauzerMom said…
I hope things work out for him and gets into the school that he wants.