Random Questions for Writers (and that includes you!)

Emily from Benedictions posted a writer personality test. I'm always intrigued to know how others write. There is no 'right' way (haha, no pun intended). Since I'm away from my computer this week, I thought this would make a great two-part post to fill in the time until I return (just in case someone somewhere is desperately missing my incredibly exciting blog posts - not!).

-Do you have a pen/pencil collection? How many of those are chewed?
I do have a favourite pen or two but I can never find them. In our house we go through stages. When you don't need a pen, there will be pens lying around all over the place. When you do need one - urgently - you can't find one. I have a collection of pens in an old china cup next to my bed but I don't think any of them work at the moment. I gave up chewing pens when in high school after someone told me it caused cancer!

-Do you prefer handwriting or typing furiously?
For a long time I used to hand write and then type the notes up afterwards. But now I much prefer to type. And it's quicker for me now too.

-How often do you get inspiration?
Varies. Sometimes I wake up in the morning with a great idea. Sometimes ideas come to me throughout the day. Sometimes I'm mulling over something for weeks or months before it becomes clear enough for me to put down on paper. And sometimes I sit at the computer with no idea of what I'm going to write and start typing away anyway.

-Are you blogging this on a computer or laptop?
Computer. Laptops are great - especially on cold nights when you can go to bed and put the electric blanket on and type away to your heart's desire - but our laptop doesn't have Internet access. Well not without a whole lot of hassle and tears.

-Do you get inspiration more in the early morning or late at night?
Very early morning is common. As in wake around 4 or 5 am and have words desperate to be written.

-Do certain movies/books/music inspire you?
There are some books that I read again and again and which always seem to get the creative juices flowing - even though the books tend to be quite different to my own style.

-How do you incorporate God into your stories?
I read once that what you believe will come out through your writing and I think that is seen in my characters and their faith in God and how they grow in their faith. I doubt I could write a book that doesn't incorporate God since He has been a part of my life since before I can even remember. Even before I became a Christian His hand was on my life and I see that so much today.

-Do you kill off your villains or make them repent?
Um, so far the only people I've killed off I think have been the good people! Oops.

-Are the majority of your characters magical beings, humans, or halflings?

-What genre of writing are you most comfortable in?
Definitely historical. I think that's because I've always harboured a secret desire to have lived in previous centuries. I might write a modern novel one day but it will be based on a timeless theme.

-Do you work better alone or with someone else?
Alone! Although if there are others around I have been known to completely withdraw into myself and shut myself off from the rest of the world and forget things such as meal times (the only time I ever forget about food!).

-Do your stories make sense, or do they ramble wildly?
I hope they make sense. I hope they flow. I like to try and tie up loose ends but without giving too much away.

-Are your characters mostly Renegades, Peacekeepers or a mish-mash?
Well they're often a mish-mash of characteristics and personality traits from a whole lot of people that I know in real life and in books.

-Are you a sucker for good grammar?
Absolutely. Unless the ideas are flowing really fast then I tend to edit as I go. I like things to be correct. But having said that, Grammar Check and I sometimes disagree. (How I love that Ignore option!)

The rest of this questionnaire will be posted later in the week. Meanwhile, think about how you write and perhaps answer some of these questions. Since you all write blogs, you should be able to have some fun with the answers (even if the 'villains' happen to be some member of your family!).
