Conversation I had earlier today with The Most Adorable Granddaughter#1:
Me: I'm just writing to [emailing] Uncle#3 and Uncle#4 asking them if they're coming home this weekend. I've told them that you're coming to stay over some time during the holiday.
The Most Adorable Granddaughter#1: Why? Will that make them come home? [Sounding very sure of the power she has to influence said uncles.]
Me: Yes. [What I didn't say but meant was: Without a doubt. Well almost without a doubt (come on boys, don't make a liar out of me).]
When I spoke to The Most Adorable Granddaughter#1 I hadn't heard yet whether or not my two sons who are at University were planning on coming home this Easter weekend. I had assumed they had plans to come home - had hoped they had - but I wasn't sure. So I needed a carrot and The Most Adorable Granddaughter#1 was that carrot since I know how much they adore her.
Already I've heard from Son#4. He's looking forward to seeing his two nieces and to the sleep over. Yay! Now if it only works as well for Son#3 I'll be happy (as will The Most Adorable Granddaughter#1 who misses her uncles).