Jonah, Mordecai and the King

The Two Most Adorable Granddaughters #1 and #2 are staying over tonight. Something to do with their Mummy having to make a special cake (complete with iced/frosted roses) and two little girls helping out yesterday by putting icing sugar in the beds.

The last time they stayed over we watched "The Jonah Movie" featuring Veggie Tales. The Most Adorable Granddaughter in the World#1 was confused as to why Mordecai and the King were both in the Jonah movie. We tried to explain that they were different characters in Jonah but to no avail. Obviously they will forever be Mordecai and the King in her mind.

Today she asked if we could watch "The Jonah Move" again and sleep out in the living room as we did last time. Um, couldn't we do something else? Like feed the ducks,

climb trees,

go to the park?

Anything but sleep on the FLOOR again.


SchnauzerMom said…
The floor is fun for them because they can get up easily. Us "old" folks have a little trouble with getting up off the floor.
winterwren said…

You have been posting especially wonderful photos lately. The Most Adorable Granddaughters, Kielsie and the hedgehog, chickens, Beatrix Potter fabric, ducks...the cuteness is overwhelming.

Anyway, I saw that photo of you and your granddaughters camping out watching Veggie Tales and thought--you know, Jules does not look like a grandmother. If someone showed me that photo and I did not know any better, I would have completely assumed you were their mom. Completely.

Your blog is always such a comfort. It really is one of those bright spots in my day, like tea and cookies. I should leave more comments saying so.
Jules said…
SchnauzerMom, I didn't actually sleep on the floor. Lying on it to watch the movie was hard going and I decided that while DH, Son#5 and The Most Adorable Granddaughters could sleep on the floor I'd be "wise" and sleep on the couch. However I'm not sure how wise that was since I was so sore the next day that I could barely move. I decided that if there ever was a next time that I'd sleep on the floor too. However I was not in a hurry for a "next time", as you can imagine.

Winterwren, what sweet things you wrote. I've felt lately that my blog standard has been slipping - the posts and photos becoming boring and have not felt sure how or what to change - so I'm glad that at least one reader is still enjoying the posts. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it.