U is for ... Uluru

Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, and in the centre of Australia, is one of the wonders of the modern world. It's also a place I've never visited although I'd love to one day. I think the sheer immensity of this monolith would be enough to render most people speechless.

DH worked in a tiny speck of a place several hours drive from Uluru when our eldest was just six months old. He loved it! Not just the landscape, and the wildlife (saw crocodiles out sunning themselves on his Sunday walk) but also the climate.

I doubt very much that I would enjoy the climate for more than a few days at a time but I would still love to go there.

I'd also love to visit Tasmania (in fact, if our kids weren't all grown up and settled in New Zealand with our adorable granddaughters, I'd love to live in Tasmania for a year or two or longer) and Ireland and Norfolk Island (see a pattern here? I'd attracted to those places that have historical links with convicts). And I wouldn't mind seeing a few other wonders of the world while I'm at it.

But since I really hate flying - I mean, I really hate flying - the furthest I'm ever likely to go is Australia. And even that requires years and years of building up my courage!
