Beauty on Tuesday

DH and I have been denied the privilege of The Most Adorable Granddaughter#4's presence tonight (to my shame I can't remember the reason but I think her Mummy and Daddy didn't have Bible Study this week - or something like that) so I can't show you pictures of her.

So instead you'll have to settle for this:

Now some people may not consider a bowl of fruit as anything exciting, let alone beautiful but I'm not some people. I love fruit and even more so when I'm in a rush in the morning and have to pack myself lunch. A salad sandwich or a bowl of bulgher wheat and vegetables with a few pieces of fruit doth a healthy lunch make. And for this gal, the more fruit the better.

When I think about it, I wouldn't have done too well in the Garden of Eden. Like Eve I would have seen that the fruit was pleasing to the eye and would not have been able to resist the temptation ... especially when presented by one so cunning.
