Road Trip

Road trips can be a lot of fun. The scenery ...

the history ...

But the road trip we took this weekend was one that I'd been dreading. For weeks. It was the road trip that would see our third son leave home permanently. Since the younger two still come home during semester breaks to clean out the pantry, leave dishes lying around, and lose socks, I don't consider that they've left permanently - it just appears that way for part of the year.

But Son#3 has gone for good. When his older brothers made this same step, it was to step into a new life as a godly husband. But not so with Son#3. Not yet anyway.

In less than five weeks, he will step into a new life with his bride-to-be ... and perhaps then it will be easier to think of him gone from the family home. Then he will be happy and will have someone by his side ... someone to care about him and make him go to the doctor when he gets strept throat ... someone who will make sure he lives on something other than fizzy drinks and chippies (although he tells me that was only for a short time when he couldn't be bothered eating properly) ... someone to whom he has committed himself for life.

So I'm looking forward to that ceremony. Looking forward to seeing him happy. Not that he wasn't happy this weekend: first car, reunited with his fiancée (who got more attention that the car which he had just taken possession of), first job - but there are still so many things to think about and do before the wedding that a little stress was inevitable. And one of those things is the task of finding a house for the happy couple to live in once they're married and which is about half way between their respective work places.

So yesterday we had a look at a house that has possibility as a future home (or as Anne Shirley would have put it: House of Dreams).

The neighbours were extremely friendly ...

and the gum trees alone would have sold me on the place ...

But I have a sneaking suspicion that neighbours and gum trees weren't the only considerations to influence the couple's choice of a future home.

Ah well. Perhaps we could plant some gum trees in our yard? Meanwhile the hunt continues as does the countdown ... and the quilting.


SchnauzerMom said…
Those are the kind of neighbors that I like. Curious but not too nosiy.
Sharlene said…
I am glad that the fiancee got more attention than the car, which shows that he has his values in order. She has a lot to be thankful for.