An Open Letter to Spring

Dear Spring,

It seems to me that you have been rather reserved lately – even avoiding us. I know that you’re shy and that Winter’s callous and arrogant ways can turn you off, but don’t you know that you have always been first with me? If I could, I would ban Winter from my house forever, but, sadly, he cannot take the hint and even when you think he’s gone, he surprises you and makes himself unwelcome for a day or three again.

You are different and have always been different. You are gentle and a breath of fresh air after Winter’s stay. He knows how to outstay his welcome – something you have never suffered from. Instead, you seem to creep in tentatively as if you don’t know how you will be received.

Don’t you know that we have been preparing for you already? Just today, in anticipation of your stay, I have planted seeds and fed the citrus trees (something DH has been reminding me needs doing for a while now) and thrown open all the windows, hoping to give Winter the hint that he is not wanted here.

If it was up to me, you could stay all year long, but I suspect some others might have something to say about that. As it is, we have long looked forward to you arriving and will enjoy every moment that you are with us. Please come soon and stay as long as you like. We promise to do everything in our power to make you feel welcome,

Yours truly,

