Worth the Wait

Almost a year ago, DIL#2 gave me this delightful teapot (and probably Son#2 too, but I remember The Most Adorable Granddaughter#4's delight in the teapot and subsequently the females in the family being involved):

I'd been waiting for a special occasion to use it ...

There have been many but not one where it would be appropriate for me to use the teapot by myself and serve up ordinary tea out of an ordinary teapot to our guests. (Actually our everyday teapot is a coffee plunger that we use specifically for that purpose since most of the teapots I've purchased tend not to pour very well.)

Christmas time I ordered special teas online and chose one for myself which I ended up gifting to someone else. Eventually I got around to ordering another of the same ...

This past week, the tea having arrived, and feeling just a wee bit stressed (sarcasm here) I decided to treat myself ...

What can I say but that the wait was worth it!

Oh, and these plums are from our tree that we planted almost twenty years ago. We have waited that long for a crop of more than one or two (actually we've waited almost that long for a crop). Again, the wait was worth it!
