Pikelet Picnic Please

This afternoon DH and I had the pleasure and privilege of babysitting The Most Adorable Granddaughters#4, #5, and #6. We decided to make pikelets and take them outside if a sunny corner could be found.

The girls found a perfect corner, DH moved table and chairs, and a picnic tray complete with cream and jam for the pikelets and a pot of Rose Early Grey tea was set.

All that was needed then was an attitude of thankfulness, a desire to enjoy what was on offer, and a healthy appetite.

Pikelets were eaten until "I'm full up to here" and it was time to do a little gardening while the sun was still shining and swap photographers (i.e. I'm no longer the one behind the camera.) By the way, Miss Almost Five (The Most Adorable Granddaughter#5) is the one with the 'eye' when it comes to interesting shots.
