Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above ye heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
With this beloved doxology (one I probably sung every Sunday of my childhood), Son#2 opened our time of worship at church this morning and I was undone. The tears flowed freely and I did indeed praise God for all His blessings.
Very, very recently He has blessed us yet again with another adorable granddaughter (bringing our total of adorable granddaughters to eight while our charming grandson remains solo). We have been able to see and hear her baby sweetness (oh, how I love those beautiful newborn sounds) but not to smell or touch the newness of her.
Despite this, I have felt at peace since the moment of her birth. God's grace and strength has sustained me over these past few days. I've been counting my blessings, and yet when I heard this song this morning, I broke down and cried.
Because, as I learnt when Son#5 and DIL#5 moved overseas, I can praise God even when it hurts, or I can let hurt and pain eat away at me.
I choose to be thankful and to praise God.
There is so much for which I am thankful.
I am so, so thankful for the safe arrival of this precious one. Thankful that the time of waiting is over for us all, thankful that she has been welcomed with open and loving arms. Thankful for those who will surround her with love when we can only send her ours from a distance.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow ...
What a blessing it is in this day and age to be able to receive photos and videos instantly and not have to wait weeks for them to arrive in our letter box. What a blessing to be able to see her and talk to her even though we are separated by oceans and lands.
Praise Him all creatures here below ...
I'm thankful for those who will love her in our absence and who will come alongside the new parents and support them. I can't do meals or housework but I'm thankful for those who will do these things for them. I'm thankful for the privilege we have of being able to pray for her, knowing that our Heavenly Father loves her even more than we can imagine.
Praise Him above ye heavenly host ...
I have so much to be thankful for and while it's not what I would have chosen - having a granddaughter born so far away and not being able to hold her - I realise how blessed I am.
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.