Sometimes a devotion "hits the spot" for us both personally as a Christian, and collectively as the Bride of Christ. Just a few days ago I read the following words and marvelled that they were written over one hundred years ago. The devotion is from "Faith's Checkbook" by Charles H. Spurgeon.
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth" John 16:13
Truth is like a vast cavern into which we desire to enter, but we are not able to traverse it alone. At the entrance it is clear and bright; but if we would go further, and explore its innermost recesses, we must have a guide, or we shall lose ourselves. The Holy Spirit, who knows all truth perfectly, is the appointed guide of all true believers, and He conducts them as they are able to bear it, from one inner chamber to another, so that they behold the deep things of God, and His secret is made plain to them.
What a promise is this for the humbly inquiring mind! We desire to know the truth, and to enter into it. We are conscious of our own aptness to err, and we feel the urgent need of a guide. We rejoice that the Holy Spirit is come and abides among us. He condescends to act as a guide to us, and we gladly accept His leadership. "All truth" we wish to learn, that we may not be one-sided and out of balance. We would not be willingly ignorant of any part of revelation lest thereby we should miss blessing. or incur sin. The Spirit of God has come that He may guide us into all truth: let us with obedient hearts hearken to His words and follow His lead.
The Holy Spirit will guide us in "all truth".
Not the Tolerance Brigade.
Not the Woke Brigade.
Not the Culture of the Day.
Not the Inquiring Minds of the Day.
Not even the "Bible" teachers whose wont is to tickle the ears of their hearers.
Not any of these things.
But the Holy Spirit.
And that truth will align perfectly with the Word of God.
Even when it's unpopular.
Even when we struggle to get our human minds around it.
Even when it offends some people.
Even when we want to disagree or argue.
Because we have a tendency to try to make truth more palatable. To fit with what we want it to look like. To be all things to all people. To be whatever we want it to be.
But then it's no longer truth.
We can only know the truth when we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in all truth. Because, as the devotion says, and as we know to be true, unlike humankind, the Holy Spirit knows and understands all truth. Perfectly.