This weekend we were able to spend some time with Son#4 and his beautiful family to celebrate said son's birthday. We had been privileged to see them last weekend so we were going back and forth on whether we would make the trip this weekend especially since I had broken out in a rash on both arms from wrists to shoulders and there was some question as to whether it was allergy or virus. Certainly, if it was viral I didn't want to pass it on to anyone, but since I felt fine (okay, a little more tired than usual but that could be accounted for by work and stress) we decided to make the trip even though heavy rain warnings had been predicted and that plus school holiday traffic had me wondering if we wouldn't be better off staying at home.
As it turned out, we really only had a smattering of rain and the traffic was no heavier than usual and I even managed to convince DH to stop off at a quilting and wool shop on the way (where he was unable to convince the salesperson that knitting in the car is dangerous - he hasn't managed to convince me either).
We were able to celebrate with Son#4 and some of DIL#4's family, enjoy [some] cuddles with The Most Charming Grandson#3 (he's been unwell and is still recovering) and today we visited Blossom Valley and managed to adhere to the family tradition of picnics in the rain. Only a few days ago I had taken photos of my garden which I am too embarrassed to share now after seeing this gorgeous garden.
It was certainly a delight to be able to view and I can hardly imagine the planning and work that has gone into making it so beautiful.