Back To Work We Go

The holidays are over and now it's back to work we go. I've had a lovely break and it's going to be so hard to get back into the swing of work and routines again. I had big plans for these holidays so now it's time to see how I did with that huge 'To-Do' List that I made two weeks ago:

Spend more time in prayer. If I'm honest I would have to say that I spent too much time on the computer and too little time on what was important: relationships with God, family and friends.

Lie-ins in bed with a good book. I didn’t even get to the library but I did get to listen to some of Frank Peretti’s audio books. It only took 2 nights to get through Monster and we're halfway through The Visitation. I never thought I could enjoy listening to someone else read so much! And I did re-read some favourites.

Spend time with the kids. (See first answer). DH went hunting with the boys and to the movies. I made ice-cream with them (from scratch and without an ice-cream maker), listened to stories with them, worked alongside them in the garden and was just ‘around’. Does that count?

Make felt. I undid the jumper and have plans to use the wool for a garment for my granddaughter. I decided the wool was still good and useable. Perhaps we'll make felt another time.

Spend time with The Most Adorable Granddaughter in the World. Definitely happened and I loved every moment of it.

Sew. Knit. In front of a good movie if possible. I didn’t watch a lot of movies (only one in fact) but got lots of knitting done and managed to make myself a knitting bag.

Edit my novel. Done. Finished. Jumping for joy.

Have that date with DH that we've been planning to have for weeks (months?) but which has had to be put off for one reason or another and which we still haven’t got around to. Soon. I promise.

Catch up with friends. Had coffee with a friend I hadn’t seen for a while. Caught up on emails and online chatting. That’s important too, you know.

Get the ironing up to date. Yay! I did it. Now it can start building up again.

Do some once-a-year chores. I decided against it. It was too cold and wet to have extra chores to do. I think I'll wait for warmer weather.

Edit items on this list. I spent some time playing the piano and working on that new piece I want to learn. I listened to music. Went for a few walks. Avoided town. And had a relaxing break. Just a shame I have to go back to work now. I’d much rather stay at home.


SchnauzerMom said…
Even if you didn't accomplish all your goals it looks like you had a great time on your break anyway!
April said…
Sounds like you had a nice break, Jules. At least you made a list; I don't ever do that! And *sigh* I'm with you on wanting to stay at home. It's my favorite place to be in the world.

I played the piano as a child, but haven't played in years. I was thinking about taking refresher lessons, but I don't have a piano anymore. :( I LOVE solo piano music.
Unknown said…
I am impressed that you made a list! It looks like you got a lot done too. I want to be more organized and get more done, and still have time with family. I haven't figured out how to do that yet! With God's help, I'm sure it is possible :). I just haven't figured it out yet!