Is This Terminal?

This will probably be the last photo I upload for a while unless it's to use some that I already have on file. This weekend our digital camera suddenly started to insert green lines on our photos where no green lines should be. Argh! This photo was taken sometime in the last month so it's not that old.

Friday was the first of the month and on the first of the month members of long hair boards measure their hair. Religiously.

Except I didn't.

I measured mine on Saturday.

I wish I hadn't.

My hair hasn't grown half an inch like most people's hair does over a period of a month. It hasn't even grown a quarter of an inch. No my hair has decided to go backwards!

I did have a small (very small) trim last month so I have to take that into account but it's also obvious that I didn't get any growth at all last month to compensate otherwise I wouldn't be going backwards.

I haven't had regular growth since I hit waist. Before that I got a steady half inch (1.25 cm) each month. Since then, things have not been quite so steady. In 18 months I've only gained between three and four inches.

I'm now at 33.5" (or 85cm). Last month I was just over 34". I so wanted to reach 36" at least, preferably 38". Somewhere around tailbone. I don't think it's going to happen.

I strongly suspect - as much as I'd like to deny the fact - that I've reached terminal. That is, the longest my hair is ever going to grow.

Sigh. Rather than lamenting the fact that my hair just won't grow, I can look at the positive:

  • It's not too long to wear down at this length;
  • I can still do many of my favourite updos;
  • If I ever grow out the fringe it won't take a lifetime to catch up with the length (only about 5-6 years);
  • I can now concentrate on thickening up the hemline. It's not noticeable in the photo (and maybe it's just my imagination) but I think there's some thin spots on the sides and I'd like to see them fill in;
  • It's still long. Perhaps not in the long hair world (I've seen photos of women with hair that is longer than they are tall) but in general, it's still longer than the hair of most in the population;
  • ... (there must be more reasons but I can't think of any just now).


SchnauzerMom said…
Your hair is super long in my book and gorgeous too!
April said…
I don't think you're at terminal. Why? Because your ends are too thick! It seems that most people who are at terminal start having thinner ends as the last few growers keep growing and the rest has stopped growing. Yours looks too thick to be giving up. I've had a few months of no growth now and then. I even had a "backwards" month like you about a year ago. But, I started growing half an inch again just as I started to fret about it. Maybe you've hit terminal, but I bet not. :)
Unknown said…
Don't be discouraged Jules! Your hair is SO beautiful. If this is your terminal length, it is a great length. You can do so much with it, and it is stunning at this length. Plus, like you wrote, you can just keep working on the health of it at this length so it will just get better and better :).
Jules said…
Ah thanks, you're all so sweet.

I know my ends are still thick, but if I'm not at terminal why am I not getting any consistent growth? 18 months and less than 4.5" suggests my hair isn't even growing on an average of 1/4" per month. I had a good 1/2" every month until I hit waist and then it started this ridiculous pattern where it grows for a month or two then stops for several, then maybe grows for a month, then stops again. Every time I get 1/2" for two months running I get excited because I think it's growing again, only to be disappointed the next month when nothing happens.

I think I just have to accept that this is probably the end of the journey for me as far as my hair goes. I'm a bit sad about it but there's not a lot I can do about it so acceptance seems the best course of action.
April said…
Well, if you are at terminal, I agree with Jen! So far, my favorite length on me is right above waist. I can do so much more with it that where I am now. I'm growing mine now just out of curiosity to see where my terminal length is, but would be perfectly happy anywhere between BSL and waist.

Acceptance is a good thing...


There are people I've watched who's hair grew so slowly and irregularly that it took a long time to reach classic and thigh. Kleis comes to mind - over on LHC.

Okay, I'll shut up now. :)