When Life Throws You Lemons ... Make Lemonade

Deb from One Single Moment recently awarded me The Lemonade Award.

I must admit I've been a little slow picking it up ... because I felt that I didn't deserve it. I haven't told my family ... they'd crack up laughing. I'm not exactly known for my ability to turn unpleasant situations into unforgettable happy moments. Hopefully I'm not a bitter old woman ... but attitude is something that I have to constantly work at. The right attitude that is.

Still, the thrill of being able to pass this award onto those more deserving, caused me to pop over to her blog and pick up the award.

This award is given to a blog that shows great attitude or gratitude. Since it's very similar to this award that I received not long ago, I'm deliberately choosing different blogs to last time.

Here are the rules for accepting this award:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post (it's up there at the top as proud as proud can be);

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude (I know we're all busy but I hope you will find the time to visit these wonderful blogs and be blessed as you read how many of them have turned life's lemons into lemonade);

3. Link to your nominees within your post (check out my list of winners below);

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog (I'll be doing that soon - hopefully before I go to bed tonight);

5. Share the love and link to this post and person from whom you received the award (Thank you Deb!).

The winners are (in no particular order):

A Patchwork of Blessed Moments ... Makes a Quilt of Grace

Civilla's Cyber Cafe

Living For Him

Living in Louisiana

Remote Treechanger

Yes They're All Ours

The Little Cottage

Sparrow's Flight

I'm a Keeper ... and a Teacher

Peasant House


Daisy said…
Thanks for the award Jules! :o) I wish I made more lemonade with the lemons that are sent my way too!:P
Sparrow said…
I'm honored, Jules. Thank you so much. I'm blessed to have been given an upbeat personality, so that helps, but some days it's sure a challenge to keep positive.

As for an update on me...there isn't one yet. Just fighting with my doctors to try to get some help and answers. So far no luck but maybe will find out a little tomorrow.
Linda said…
I love that you gave me this award. It is very encouraging. I will post a post as soon as I can.

Thank you so much.
Bonnie said…
Thank-you for this award, sorry it has taken me a little while to come and pick it up, but I wasn't particulary sure I was deserving of it.

You are a blessing.