I've always loved long hair. As a child my mother kept it short and it wasn't until my teens that I started to grow it. For years my mother tried to get me to cut my hair - all to no avail. I think she thought when I had children I would cut it but I stubbornly held on to it.
I feel more 'me' with long hair. But at times I also feel dowdy and old-fashioned and extremely fashion challenged.
There are several things that keep me from cutting:
1. I'm so close to my goal of 36" that I might as well wait and see what that feels like before doing anything drastic;
2. I know that I'll probably end up regretting it. I've gone as short as shoulder length before and after a few days/weeks/months of liking it have always grown it out again;
3. My husband loves my long hair and even though he would be supportive if I decided to cut, he'd also be disappointed. It's important to me to please him and to consider what he likes and doesn't like (he also likes me with a heavy fringe which I hate so we're working on a compromise there!);
4. A lovely Christian lady with beautiful long hair reminded me recently in an email that our long hair is pleasing to God. She also reminded me that we're not to conform to this world. Wise words but so hard to put into practice at times.
I suspect in a few days I'll change my mind. I'll feel my hair against my skin or I'll have another 'pretty day' (not that I'm due for another one for a while!) or I'll see someone with gorgeous long hair and decide not to cut mine after all. At times it's so hard to swim against the current ... but it can be so worth it!