At six he gave his life to the Lord and was baptised at eleven years of age. At school he was not afraid to stand up for his faith, refusing to study a film that he considered unsuitable (it was and instead he chose Chariots of Fire, did all the work himself, and received top marks!), and questioning his teachers on many aspects of evolution that he disagreed with (he also refused to sit the exam on evolution despite needing a good science mark to get into University). For many years now he has served in music ministry: singing or playing the piano. One of the things I have really missed since he left home over three years ago has been sitting and listening to him playing the piano. Thankfully there’s another up-and-coming pianist in the family still at home.
At present Son#2 is in his fourth year of a Bachelor of Medical and Laboratory Science at a University an hour's drive away. He has just completed one semester studying Transfusion Science in a hospital in the same town, but in just two short weeks will be off down south to study Cytogenetics in a hospital there for four months. It will be the longest he’s ever been away from home and I suspect we will miss him – especially his next brother down who has been at University in the same town as him and the lovely girl Son#2 is courting (also in the same town and at the same University).
Biblical courtship is new territory for our family. We’ve not seen it ‘played’ out in real life and we’re making the rules as we go along, but so far see many advantages to it. As parents and a family as a whole we have no reservations in opening our home and hearts and lives to this beautiful young woman because we know that in all likelihood (and God-willing) that she will one day be family. There’s a lot of freedom and yet at the same time a sense of security in not having to wonder if there’ll be a different girl next month or the month after. It means we can give of ourselves without reservation. I highly recommend it!
I made this quilt for Son#2’s thirteenth birthday. Unlike his brother he didn’t mind if I used floral fabrics. He wanted a scrappy quilt and he wanted colour. At the time he was sharing a bedroom with his older brother so I used a black background to ‘tie’ the two quilts together. One day I’d love to do this design – “Snail Trail” – in two colours, as it would look very effective. Son#2 designed a quilting pattern for the borders: a snail and its trail! The quilt is foundation pieced on paper (never again!) and hand quilted.