I guess I'm what is known as a young earth creationist. I don't have a problem with this either. I believe the earth is roughly 6000 years old. I believe that Adam and Eve were the first humans to walk this earth. I believe that death entered the world only when Adam and Eve sinned.
That's one of the problems with the Gap Theory: that God used evolution to create the world (as if He didn't have the power to do it unless He enlisted 'help' from evolution; as if He couldn't just speak and it happened; as if our God is not a BIG God). If you believe in the Gap Theory then you have to believe that suffering and death entered the world before sin and not as a punishment for sin. That's because evolution uses the fossil record to explain the appearance of different species. But if you believe in a God that created in seven days then you probably also believe that the fossil record was laid down by a world-wide flood.
Before you roll your eyes in disbelief I will also state that yes I believe in Noah's flood. And I'm not the only one. Down through the ages Christians have believed the Scriptures and the greatest authority on earth - Jesus Christ Himself - also believed in a literal seven-day Creation and Noah's flood. If He believed then why do so many Christians doubt?
Is it because we're afraid of being accused of leaving our brains at the church door? I consider myself an intelligent person and I believe that Christianity is not incompatible with science. You see, we all have the same evidence available to us but it's the way we interpret it that differs. Evolutionists see the fossil record and immediately think long ages. They use carbon dating to back their theories up but do you know that such dating methods are based on assumptions first? Many dating methods give a range of dates and evolutionists reject those that are too 'young'. Creationists do a similar thing - reject ages that are too 'old' and accept those that fall within their theories. Neither side was present at the beginning of the earth so neither side can prove that their theory is the correct one.
Except that the God of the Bible was present in the beginning and He has told us in His Word how the earth was created. In seven twenty-four-hour days. By the word of His mouth. He spoke and it was so. And I believe it.