I went to work and left the cupboard like this. I told the boys that we'd clean it up this afternoon. What's that? Oh, they suddenly remembered they had hockey practice. Yeah right!
The mess is still sitting there. I'm working up the courage to attack it. It's not something I want to do.
Neither is cooking tea (the evening meal). Especially now that my oven has also gone kaput. DH seems to think we can survive without an oven until we renovate our kitchen. Knowing our track record with renovations, that could be years away!
Every woman I talk to understands that I cannot live without an oven. But my men can't see that it's a problem. Perhaps if they have to live on rice and vegetables for the next year or two they might change their minds! Especially when they realise it means no cakes.
Or biscuits.
Or apple crumble.
Or roast venison.
Or home-made bread.
Or baked potatoes in their jackets.
Or lamb roast.
Or ...
I recently cleaned out my cupboard and ended up tossing several bottoms without tops and tops without bottoms. It's always a job though - and not a fun one. I just set myself on the floor and pull it all out on the floor with me. Not a fun job, but I'm always glad when it's organized again. At my house I can only blame me for the mess though!