Is Anyone There?

My blog has been 'playing up' occasionally and not always updating my posts nor showing me updates on other blogs. But I'm not sure if it's all my blog's fault or if it's because no one's actually posting at the moment. Several of my friends' blogs that I love to visit haven't been updated in recent days/weeks.

So if you are posting and I'm jut not getting updates (either on my Dashboard or when I visit your blog which still shows day-old posts) please drop me a line. I really don't want to miss out on anything.

And if you're just not feeling like blogging at the moment, that's okay too. I'm suddenly finding myself with nothing to say. Though I suspect that's because I'm busier than usual and there's just so many things going through my head that I can't make sense of any of them. But hopefully that will change soon and I'll be back here to 'talk your ears off' once again.


Anonymous said…
Hi Jules,
I'm here, but VERY distracted with the U.S. election coverage in the news. It's a very scary time for us Americans and I predict it will be for some time . . . .

Not much to talk about that would uplift anybody so I'm kinda quiet right now.
bunches of yarn said…
I'm here, I'm here...doing lots of talking in person and on the nothing left to blog (ha, ha) those who know me will not believe it.
Sort of busy, and sort of tired at the end of the day. It had been hot and humid again, which leaves me drained. Humid and hot days always do...but it's cool again.
SchnauzerMom said…
I've been posting about every other day here lately.