I love that the NIV uses 'plans' rather than 'thoughts' as in other versions. It may not be as accurate, yet the Lord has given me this verse at those times when knowing that He has a plan for my life that will bring me hope has been very very comforting.
The first time this verse really spoke to me - in fact the first time I ever really paid any attention to it - was when DH started seriously talking about moving from Australia back to New Zealand. At that time I couldn't see how we would ever be able to afford a house in NZ if we sold our home in Australia but God spoke to me through this verse and as time went on I learnt that His plans were far greater than we could ever imagine. (I still marvel that the house He led us to has more rooms that I dreamed of asking Him for!)
This verse was read in church this morning and somehow it spoke to me again. I'd been up early trying to sort out my feelings and thoughts on the job offer I received yesterday. I drew up a chart listing the positives and negatives of both jobs. Perhaps what was surprising was that the positives for both ranked similarly but the negatives for the job I'm in now were much higher than for the new job. But then I'm naturally going to be aware of the negatives with the job I'm in now because well, been there, done (doing) that.
Next I considered the things I'm passionate about and I realised that my passion at the moment is infants and toddlers. I might not agree with babies being in care full-time but this is still the age group that I love most and want to be with. Despite the appeal of working from home and flexible hours (which the other job offered) these factors could not outweigh my passion for working with this age group. This is where my heart truly is.
However (can you believe it?) I was still undecided. Finally I wrote two letters: one of resignation and one declining the job offer (I was making sure I covered both bases!). As I wrote the letter of resignation I felt an unease within my spirit. Nothing big or bad but there all the same. Then I wrote the other letter and I felt a sense of peace wash over me.
I had my answer.
I now feel calm and certain that turning down this job offer is the right thing to do. Having this verse read out in church confirmed it for me. I was afraid that if I refused this job that I'd regret it but now I am confident that where I am right now is where God wants me to be. He alone knows the plans He has for my life and I trust those plans.
first I want to thank you for your comment on my blog. I'm totally new in blogging and it takes a while until everything works as it should be.
I find your blog and first thing I read was "Summer" and "Australia". I don't really envy you, only a little... because here in Germany it is cold and winter is only in his starting position. And I long for seeing Australia and New Zealand but couldn't afford it yet.
Then I read more and must say that sharing your way how you made your decision, especially that you wrote the two answers, inspired me to do the same when needed.
My wishes are with you that you've chosen the very best of all jobs in your life.