Today our eldest child turns twenty-four. It seems but yesterday that I first heard his cry and sung out "It's a boy" with relief and joy in my voice. Complications had arisen at the end of the pregnancy and during labour but it wasn't until several weeks later that we learnt how blessed we were to have a son who was both alive and healthy.
I still remember the wonder of those early days and how every moment with him was so precious. Now I laugh when I see how much like him his daughter is.
Son#1 had some learning difficulties during his schooling and I've often wondered if it was because of those early complications. I will probably never know. But this I do know, I am immensely proud of this fine handsome son of ours.
I introduced him here for those that might like to know a little more. As I think back over the years a number of memories came to mind but what stands out most in my mind at the moment is the fact that he is hard-working and has a great capacity to love and forgive. I'm looking forward to seeing him today - if it can be arranged. But right now I just want to say, Happy Birthday Son#1 and I pray that it's a blessed one.