Work is ... unpleasant. I have decisions to make.
I've had to turn the other cheek. Not just at work but also in my personal life.
I'm letting silly things stress me: finding accommodation for our son's wedding; deciding on how to wear my hair; wondering if I can lose enough weight by the wedding to look good in photos.
Some days I just want to cry. I drive to work and I get all teary. And I don't even know why half the time.
I'm sleeping more than usual. I don't know if I'm coming down with something or if it's just a reaction to all that's going on.
My foot hurts. I don't know what I did to it. It feels as if I've given it a nasty twist but I can't remember injuring it. All I can think of is that I must have brought it down too hard when walking in the dark the other night.
It's been cold. I wasn't going to complain about the weather but having recently experienced the coldest June night on record for our area I think I have a right to complain.
Our darling grandbaby hasn't yet arrived. My arms are aching to hold her.
But I can still hold The Most Adorable Granddaughter in the World even if she isn't always that fussed on kisses.
"Nana's kissing me," she told me one day after I'd smothered her with kisses.
"Why is Nana kissing you?" I asked
"Nana loves me," she replied.
There's still so much joy in the world if we only look for it!
I hope that you are able to hold your newest grandbaby very soon! And that the cold doesn't stay bitter cold, and that work and everything will work out.
Blessings to you this day!