Peace. Silence. Stillness.
A rarity in our home at the moment. The Most Adorable Granddaughter in the World#1 thinks it's her mission to wake the sun up each and every day. She shares that trait with her father who gets it from his mother who gets it from her father. Yep, we're all early risers.
I love nothing better than to be first up in the morning and sitting at my computer writing or surfing, or sitting quietly sewing or reading. Those early hours when no one else is up are the best part of my day. Until recently, I didn't have to share my mornings with anyone else.
Enter Son#1. He has to get up early for work and even if I'm up before him I hear him thumping through the house. My Dad was the same. My Mum would always joke that since Dad was awake he thought everyone else should be too. My DH says I'm like that too but I try to be quiet. Really I do.
But this morning Son#1 and his family were away. Hence the silence. And when they did return, at least one family member was able to get a little sleep (or at least pretend to).
And the photo of the snails? This afternoon when I was doing some weeding The Most Adorable Granddaughter#1 joined me. We found some snails and she wasn't too impressed. In fact, she didn't want to be anywhere near them.
Just one more trait she shares with her adoring Nana.