"Why are you excited?" I asked.
"Dunno," she replied. (She's obviously been around her uncles too long as this is their stock reply to most questions.) In the background I could hear Son#1 telling her to tell Nana why she was so excited.
"Because Mummy's going to have another baby!" she finally exclaimed. Considering she'd asked her mother a few weeks ago when she was going to grow another baby, you'd think that she'd personally orchestrated this!
The Most Adorable Granddaughter#1 continued to talk about the baby and the more she talked the more excited she became until I wondered if she was about to sprout wings and fly!
I'd been let in on the secret a few hours earlier but I didn't tell The Most Adorable Granddaughter#1 that. Instead I enjoyed her excitement and felt again the rush of pleasure I'd experienced when first told.