It all began because Son#2 was working and his wife dropped him off and had some time to fill in before going to church. Son#2 suggested taking her blood. For fun or practice, I'm not sure which (he seems to take great delight in asking if he can practice his skills on family members - okay, I never claimed my family wasn't a little mad), but DIL#2 graciously agreed (so far she's the only one - apart from his unsuspecting patients of course).
Later that day they visited and Son#2 handed me a sheet of paper. It had his wife's name on it and the result: 82.2mIU/mL. I looked at it uncomprehending.
"What's this?" I asked.
"What do you think it is?" Son#2 replied with a question of his own.
"Is it what I think it is?" hazarding a guess.
"Yes, Mum," (he didn't need to make it sound as if I was particularly dense - it wasn't until after they'd gone that I noticed under the result it said "Positive"). "It took you long enough."
Perhaps. But tell me, would you have known what it meant?
And just in case, you're a little slow like me: yes, DH and I are to be grandparents again! As Son#1 told me when he heard, I will have at least twice as many grandchildren Christmas 2011 as what I will have Christmas 2010. How exciting is that!
Congratulations! Twice as many grandchildren by next year--what a lovely thing. Will they all share the prefix "Most Adorable"?
Happy and healthy nine months!
Thank you Lil and Elizabeth, babies are indeed a blessing and we're pretty excited about this one!
And I hope everything turns out well and you get healthy grandchildren :)