Take Two

I somehow missed the memo that Son#3 and his wife would be visiting after Christmas. So when I did learn of the planned visit, I was naturally thrilled. Christmas had been rather quiet with Sons#2 and #3 and their families missing (don't get me wrong: it was still special but it was quiet compared to usual family gatherings), so it seemed that we now had a wonderful opportunity to Take Two on Christmas 2017.

And wonderful it was with family, food, fun, fireworks, presents, chatter, nieces reacquainting themselves with distant aunt and uncles, toasted marshmallows, too much sugar, cousins pairing up, new games, and two crazy dogs who have decided they are now best friends.

Thank you guys for a fantastic Take Two (or late-Christmas-slash-not-staying-up-until-midnight-New-Year-Eve's-party). Even dishes and dirty feet couldn't ruin the evening. The only downside? The neighbour's dog barked until after 4:00 am this morning!
