Nor is adapting Psalm 118 a new idea as our pastors invited our church yesterday to write their own Song of Thanksgiving. But I don't think quickly enough on the spot and so have decided to attempt my own "version" here. Besides, I like the idea of making it a more permanent record.
I am no Psalmist - and I am definitely no poet - but here is my poor attempt:
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good,
His love endures forever.
For He has given us the joy of new life,
His love endures forever.
For every breath of every day,
His love endures forever.
For He has extended and grown our family,
His love endures forever.
He has provided employment and income and given us all that we need,
His love endures forever.
For all the times of celebration,
His love endures forever.
For His promises that are true,
His love endures forever.
For His peace and comfort,
His love endures forever.
That He has not forgotten us nor forsaken us,
His love endures forever.
In the face of national tragedy He saw us through,
His love endures forever.
In the desert and times of spiritual dryness,
His love endures forever.
For His mercy and grace,
His love endures forever.
For His Word which cannot be shaken,
His love endures forever.
In times of encouragement - and discouragement,
His love endures forever.
For the little reminders that He is with us,
His love endures forever.
For the stars at night, the changing seasons, and sunrises every morning,
His love endures forever.
For never giving up on us,
His love endures forever.
For answered prayer,
His love endures forever.
For the wonder and majesty of His creation,
His love endures forever.
For the beauty of friendship,
His love endures forever.
For the reminders of His great love and the price He paid for our salvation,
His love endures forever.
In health and sickness, in all seasons of life,
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord for He is our great God and worthy of praise,
His love endures forever.
Now write your own Song of Thanksgiving ...