Sometime during the night I woke with a sense of anticipation and excitement. At midnight New Zealand moved from COVID-19 Level 3 Lockdown to Level 2 Lockdown. A few days ago I asked colleagues what they planned on doing as soon as we moved to Level 2 and a few said they were going to get a haircut.
Not me. A haircut is the last thing on my wish list. Rather, I can't wait until I can finally see and hug my wonderful family, and the fact that I have to work all day today is making me rather impatient. (DH has already asked when is the soonest we can take a road trip to visit family further afield.)
My priority all along once the restrictions were lifted has been to see family.
Not all at once. Gatherings are limited to ten and our family is now twice that. And not at Church since apparently churches are more open to transmission of infection than cinemas and bars and exist for the purpose of worship and socialisation (I'm being sarcastic) and are therefore not allowed to open as of yet.
And not all my family are nearby so I will have to wait to see some but at least the bans have been lifted somewhat and a sense of almost normalcy can return.
DH and I have plans to visit those nearest (they don't know it yet) if our work situations play the game. Already DH's phone has been going crazy with urgent requests and the knock-off-on-time days may now be a thing of the past. Sigh. I was getting to really enjoy them, too.
While there are some things that are concerning about these past seven weeks of lockdown and the lifting of some restrictions, I'm grateful that I can once again visit loved ones. I can't even begin to describe how much I missed them all.
So, in case I've forgotten what they look like, here's a reminder or two from our last time together ...
God sets the solitary in families;
He brings out those who are bound into prosperity;
But the rebellious dwell in a dry land.
Psalm 68:6, NKJV