
This past weekend we saw some amazing scenery from the warmth and comfort of our car as we headed off for a quick visit to Son#3 and family.

But nothing was as incredible or wonderful as the sight of our newest grandchild.

Early Saturday morning our tenth granddaughter and thirteenth grandchild was born, sound and healthy and absolutely adored by her big brothers.

Cuddles were a little scarce, as her brothers are so besotted that even grandparents don't get much of a look in! But how lovely to see the bond that exists already between these siblings.

And what a blessing a new baby is! And what cause to praise God for this new life and the plans He has for her.

Your eyes say my substance, being yet unformed,

And in Your book they all were written,

The days fashioned for me,

When as yet there were none of them.

Psalm 139:16
