The Old and The New

As I look back on this past year, I have so much for which to be thankful. 

The safe arrival of three beautiful and precious granddaughters.

A trip to America (something I never thought I would do). 

Time with family. 

Beautiful grandchildren who bring so much joy. (And while we are super proud of the granddaughter who was Dux of school, the truth is that we are super proud of them all and can say with the Bible that grandchildren are the crown of the aged - Proverbs 17:6).

Health (despite a scare on my birthday at the beginning of the year). 

Our needs met again and again and again. 

Answered prayer. 

But most importantly, our God who is faithful and never, ever fails us.

A few days ago The Most Adorable Granddaughter#1 celebrated her eighteenth birthday after Christmas (where has that time gone!). Others in the family will celebrate significant birthdays in the coming months, and for others, there will be significant changes (one granddaughter off to High School, The Most Adorable Grandson#1 starting school).

But this we can be assured of: our God will be always with us. He will never leave us or forsake us. As we look back on the old year we can be thankful for all that God has done; and, as we look forward, have complete confidence that He will do it again. 
