You may notice that I prefer to use “mum” rather than “mom” and that some words are spelt differently. This is because I’m Australian and prefer to use the words and spellings common to my part of the world. Hopefully any unfamiliar terms I will be able to explain (such as “fringe” instead of “bangs”).
I was born in the beautiful Hunter Valley (NSW, Australia) forty-something years ago and for 30 years didn’t move very far from the town where I’d been born. Until twelve years ago that is when my husband and I packed up house and kids and moved to New Zealand to be closer to his family (you can read about it here). This was quite a change for me and even after all this time I still haven’t acclimatised to the cold winters!
I am not a huge fan of gardening. I don't spend hours each day in the garden but I don't mind a little weeding or feeding when I have the time. And I do enjoy the serenity and beauty that can be found in a garden.
However given a choice, I would far rather sit and quilt or read or spend hours at the computer writing. When I'm writing, time ceases to exist for me. Hunger, thirst, comfort, are all forgotten as I immerse myself in my imaginary world and look for just the right word or turn of phrase. Thankfully I have a very understanding family!
I've shared my romance with my husband in any earlier post (here) and if you've been a regular reader you will also know that I have five wonderful sons, a lovely daughter-in-law, and one absolutely adorable granddaughter. I am so blessed.
A year later I was baptised by my great-uncle who was a Baptist minister. It was Easter time 1997. I will never forget the complete certainty that I had done what Christ asked of me that filled me as I was lifted out of the water. I have seen similar expressions on each of my sons’ faces as they have been baptised.
Ever since I gave my life to the Lord I have seen Him work in my life, changing me and making me more like Him. So many times I fail, but He is always there, ready to pick me up and gently lead me. And always giving me another chance.
God is an awesome God!
I agree that God is awesome - and your surviving meningitis certainly sounds like it was a miracle indeed.